Tuesday we sailed out into the Atlantic blue leaving Africa in the long off horizon and our next destination 10 days away. As we left the port I found a few tears making their way down my cheek. I was surrounded by people from all over the world, some who have only been here a few weeks and some like myself who have seen this entire outreach through. From beginning to end. I wondered what most were thinking as the words amongst all of us were few.
I knew what I was thinking. I was thinking of all the hard work and sweat( literally) that has went into these last 10 months, all the patients and family members who have in someway or another been affected by our presences. I was thinking of all the randomness that occurs everyday and is now not so random. I was thinking of all the places I had visited over the last 10 months and all the people I had come in contact with. I was thinking of friends who have come and gone.I was thinking of all the challenges and success that have passed me by. I was thinking of all the change that has occurred in my life since the very first day I left home over a year and a half ago. But most of all I was thinking of how honored I was to have lived such an awesome adventure in my lifetime..not that the adventures in my life are over, just this one.
When I left home June 2008 I was expecting to see our Father in ways I never thought were imaginable and sure enough He out did himself. It has been a journey and don't get me wrong there have been good day and bad days, but that is life. I leave Africa with a heart empty of things to give and full of blessing received. I knew this would change my life, however I never knew what change my life really entailed.
So now I sit on a rocking hospital ship that is making its way to Tenerife and from there I will fly home....not sad but happy, blessed, and thankful. It's amazing really. God has granted me such peace about leaving and returning home. He has prepared me in such away that I know that coming home is the next step. Now I wait to find out what steps to take after I step of the plane.
Liz Meg and I on Deck 8 just before we set sail.
The tug pulling us out to sea.
Separation for land and people waving good bye.
The now empty birth were we lived for the last 10 months.
Togo Advanced Team that will stay in Africa and prepare the way for the ship to head to Togo in February.
Au Revoir l'Afrique!