I serve with Mercy Ships. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships

Monday, August 31, 2009

A New Level of Desperation

Just when you think you have seen and heard it all, someone comes along and blows your mind and brings you back to the reality of life here. I was sitting in the reception room with Joyce our receptionist today and in walked a translator followed by a patient. He explained to me that she had been here before and the we had removed a few of her teeth and she had lost the appointment card with the denture man for a replacement fitting. I said ok no problem just give me your name so I can look up your chart. She complied and I proceeded to pull her chart. The notes from the day she received treatment stated that we had removed 2 teeth the very front 2 on top and that those teeth needed to be replaced.

I thought ok easy, just make her out a new appointment card and I will be on my way. Just to make sure I did not miss any teeth that need to be added into the replacement I asked the patient to open her mouth. When she did the patient had NO upper teeth at all. I then looked back at the name and age of the patient to make sure I had the right lady. Sure enough the name was the name the lady had provided us with. 

First red flag the age on the chart said 24... this lady looked about 40. I asked her again is this you she nodded yes.  

Second red flag and the biggest of all. There is no dentist in the right state of mind that would request only 2 teeth be replaced if there were no other teeth left. What would you attach it to. Why would you only replace 2 when 14 other teeth are missing. 

Anyway come to find out this lady.. had used her friend, sister or daughters name to come in and attempt to receive an appointment to get a denture for her toothless mouth. I figured if someone is in that sate of despair then who am I to say no you can not have one. Someone asked me if I wrote on the appointment card that she only get the 2 teeth out that the original lady was suppose to get out, and I said no b/c then she will just return with a note from the denture man saying it is not possible..... just when you think you have seen it all.

Can you imaging being so desperate for a denture that you had to lie about who you where.... I am sure this lady did not even second guess this decision.  There is an entire different lever of desperation here and this is just one mild example.   

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Locks of Love Night

Tonight in Starbucks Cafe the Africa Mercy Crew had a Locks of Love Drive. Anyone supporting 8 inches of hair or more was faced with a de-lima.... to cut or not to cut. I personally did not meet the to cut criteria...I however do have a few friends who passed and decided to cut. Actually as I type this blog I am overhearing my next door roommate brake the news to her mom that her beautiful long hair is now gone...the walls are REALLY thin... you can overhear anything. 

My favorite quote from the night. I will not be defined as beautiful because of my hair.  

People sitting around watching the cutting show. 

The freshly cut ponytail of a 5 grader. 

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Outfits

Today I received two new outfits from a patient as a thank you gift. They are very nice and fit very well as you can tell in the pictures below. Nice thought but not exactly my style or is it? 

This one is a shirt and a wrap skirt in the gorgeous color of light brown. It even included a head wrap. 
This one is a pants set..... a little big don't you think? 
So big that Liz and I can both fit in it...... hahah