I serve with Mercy Ships. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships

Friday, July 3, 2009

African Arcade......

Today was a ship holiday so we were off and instead of sitting around Richard and I decided to go to a day volunteers Video Arcade Shop. Solomon the co-owner of these two successful shops invited Richard to come check them out I just went along for the ride. 

We were not sure what we were getting ourselves into. We kind of thought it was just going to be a tv and an xbox but you never know. Sure enough we arrived at the first shop which had been opened 4 months and it was a small concrete room with two tvs, two xbox sytems,  a PS2, a few games, a bench, and a room full of kids gaming. Richard sat down and tried out the games, I just spectated and took in my surrounds. after about an hr or so we headed across town to his second shop which has been running for 2 years. It was a little more established...4 tvs, 3 PS2, and more kids. 

I asked him how business was and this is what he reported to me. Good. I charge 100CFA( 20 cents) for 15 mins of  game playing time or if they want to stay an hr 400 CFA( 75cents). I have a manager at each shop I pay them 15,000 CFA a month( 30$), I pay rent and electricity on both shops, and make a profit of 50,000 CFA (100$) which I them split in half between my brother and I. So at the end of the month I take home 25,000 CFA ( 50$) and that is my main source of income. On a good day I make 3,000-4,ooo CFA( 6-8$) 

Solomon is 22 years old married and has 2 kids. 

Just another day here in Africa. 

Richard playing the games with the kids

Outside the window of the arcade.
Me spectating the gaming

Outside the shop
The second shop.. with more equipment.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are so spoiled here in the good ole USA! Happy 4th to you.
Love mom