I serve with Mercy Ships. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


There has been a group of about 10 of us from all over the world who have been watching So You Think You Can Dance the last month or so. We received the DVD with all of the last season from a friends Dad. We have REALLY enjoyed watching this tv show and Sunday was our SYTYCD Season Finale Banquet. We booked the queens lounge, dressed up, decorated the room, had a 5 course meal, and then watched the finale. We had LOTS of fun and decided we are the coolest people on the ship. We are a bit behind as we understand that currently season 6 is playing at home, however it was all new to us and we loved it.

Thank you Ali's dad for sending the episodes to us.

The room all decorated.
The 3 ladies of the group- we were actually out numbered by the gentlemen.
All of us.

The Food
Engrossed in the Finale.

After the results were revealed photo shoot.
Jeanine WINS!!!!!!



Emily said...

I love it! I am guessing that Jesse helped a little on the 5 course dinner. Before I saw him in the picture I was thinking, "how did they pull off a five course dinner?" I am glad you had fun, you should have ended the night with some dancing.

mom said...

Maybe you should start watching dancing with the stars. I could just see you Jess, ballroom dancing(oops I forgot didn't we pay big buck at SIUC on some ballroom dancing class) now would be the time to really show you have it goin on my dear! love mom
Ya who 12 weeks left.