I serve with Mercy Ships. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

HaPpY bIrThDaY mOm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to the BEST Mom in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tribute to my mommy, who I miss and love dearly!!!!!!

My MOM is the best mom because:

She Paid for me to go to college........ almost 5 glorious years of college!!!!!!!!

She has a great sense of style: even when she goes to bed she matches the sheets!!!!!!!!!

She has NICE hair!!!!!!!!!!!

She birthed the best kids in the world who wear WE LOVE you MOM shirts to church on Mothers day... NOTE Several years ago.

She Loves GOd and takes me on Missions Trips....where we build things

She takes me to concerts!!!!!!!!!!!!! and lets me wear ridiculous hats

She does without so I don't have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She let me go to AFRICA..... and be so far away from her.

She goes rock climbing and hiking with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She lets my brother move away to Colorado even though she thinks he is to young to be that far from home.

Because she looks REALLY good in that head band!!!!!!

Because she takes me on Ski Trips to Colorado!!!! Jan 5-10 can't wait!!!!!

Because she is really good at space saving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ocne Again because she has nice HAIR!!!!!

Because she is CRAZY and FUNNY

#1 Reason why she is the best mom in the WORLD: because she loves me !!!!



Anonymous said...

I love being your mom because only a cool mom would put up with a nut like you and enjoy it sooooo much. Thanks for the memories I enjoyed it even the bad hair pictures dont forget pay back in this family is horrible. You may as well put it in the Post Dispatch(or around here the Beardstown Gazette) lol I do miss you and love you thank for a good laugh on such a great day
Love your Mommmy

Anonymous said...

great post jess! i just saw your mom today. she gave me great haircut. can't wait til you get home. we're gonna go dress shopping with the bride-to-be! ps- i hope we do the white elephant gift exchange at xmas this year, b/c lance and i are thinking of a good present to give! :) love ya!