I serve with Mercy Ships. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships

Monday, February 2, 2009

I am alive!

It is true I am alive. I know most of you might have thought my flight from St.Louis to Tenerife might have disappeared off the side of they earth however........ I made it.

Yesterday was my first day were I actually felt alive. Jet lag did a number on me this time around. I arrived Wednesday evening after a long adventurless journey- which i guess is good but makes for boring blogs. :)
Thursday I hit the ground running. With only 2 days left in Tenerife I wanted to get my share of land, shopping, hanging out, blending in, and enjoyment. I found myself leaving little time for sleep and Saturday it hit me. I think 20 out of he 24 hours on Saturday were spent sleeping. But I am happy to report that yesterday was my first day of no naps since I have arrived. I guess that is a good qualifier for being over the jet lag.
Saturday the ship set sail with its final destination being Cotonou, Benin, West Africa. The sail back has been much different that the sail in December. Which is good because I was really dreading it. This time around it has been rather relaxing, smooth, and the weather is absolutely beautiful. Clear skies, Blue water, and the temperature continues to rise.
I am settling into my new job with ease so far, this morning we had a Benin briefing and this afternoon I worked on getting things ready for the 6 new dental team members that will be arriving a few days after we arrive in Cotonou. I hope they are as excited to arrive as I am excited to meet them.
Well that is it for now below are a few pictures from my travels, my few days in Ternerife, and the sailing away.
Welcome back to my blog people!

At the airport in stl.
The view from the plane of the Mt. I hiked in December before I came home.

Tenerife from the plane

driving practice....Nate you will be glad to know I did good!

The first complete rainbow I have ever experienced. It was beautiful!

Playing at the park! Tenerife as we sailed away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tenerife looks beautiful! Glad that you are back to the grind. Sounds like everyone is excited about being back. How did your peach crisp turn out. I hope it was yum yum.
Miss you love Mom and Dad